Post-Holiday Self-Care Ideas

January 5, 2023

Being the holiday season lover that I am, I often find myself sad when January rolls around. I love how the weeks and days leading up to the holidays consist of family time, celebrations, entertainment, and just pure holiday cheer. I find myself missing all the hustle and bustle once the season is over. To cope with the lull I feel each year right after New Year, I rely upon some good old self-care to help me get through the post-holiday blues. Here are some self-care ideas that have worked best for me over the years! 


Post-Holiday Self-Care Ideas


Plan. This is the biggest and most important for self-care ideas to beat the holiday blues. Plan a trip that isn’t too far away but requires planning. The process of planning and looking forward to it will help you in those weeks that feel long and mundane. The holiday season is filled with anticipation, planning and prepping, so practice doing just that with a trip. It doesn’t have to break the bank either, it could be a day trip to a local town or taking a little road trip to visit a friend or relative in the next state. Just having a change of scenery to look forward to will help you feel excitement and celebration: the things you may be lacking directly after the holidays.  


Stay Connected. The holidays are filled with socializing, so if you are feeling a bit of the post-holiday blues creeping up on you, reevaluate your social calendar and add in some socializing where it is lacking. This doesn’t have to be big and elaborate going out plans or dinner plans, it could be calling your sister for a weekend recap, catching up with your friends you haven’t spoken to in a while, or a facetime call with your bestie! Staying connected is necessary for us social humans and thus a self-care idea that should be on our lists! 


Try Something New. Whether it is a new class or checking out a new coffee shop on the way to work, adding something new to your routine will keep things from feeling dull. Never underestimate the power of adding something small but new to your schedule! 


Make A Date Night With Yourself. If you anticipate work picking back up and having lots to catch up on after the holidays, consider planning a Friday night in and practicing some self-love with a date night with just you. Order or cook your favorite meal, disconnect from your phone and pamper yourself, whether it is with a self-care movie or an at-home spa treatment sesh!  


Organize And Decorate Your Home. The busy holiday schedule can make it hard to tend to your home. Take an afternoon to sort through, declutter and decorate your home to your liking. Maybe it’s adding your favorite fuzzy blankets, hanging some photos, or decorating with red hearts in anticipation of Valentine’s Day – either way, make your space homier and inviting to enjoy spending time in.  


Keep Moving. We all know that movement is critical to our well-being, so make sure to incorporate it into your schedule, especially after all the holiday celebrations and business settle down. You do NOT need a gym membership or a lot of time to move – a quick bundled-up walk during your lunch break or an at-home workout will help! If you want to try fun free workouts, check out these free dance cardio classes that I love! Make sure you pick a movement that you enjoy and that works for your schedule. Don’t go overboard or pick a type of exercise that will make you will end up resenting movement as a form of self-care. Movement should make you feel good and be something to enjoy!