Self-Care Reminders For The Holidays

November 28, 2022

Whether you love the holidays or they stress you out, it is important to keep up with self-care during this season. Here are some ways that you can do so. 

For some, the holidays are a happy time, and for some, the holidays are stressful. 

Whether you are in the former or latter group, it is important to continue to take care of yourself and practice self-care. Here are some tips for those who may need a little reminder on self-care practices and on-the-go ideas.


1) Be wary of social media, especially during the holidays. 

Social media will have you thinking that everyone has it all and everyone is having the best holiday. The truth is that social media is curated and people will only show you what they want AKA their happier moments. I remember a few NYEs in my twenties where I was left feeling socially inadequate, because often I would find myself with no plans unless I eagerly sought some out. I have never had a large group of friends and whenever I would go on social media, I would see tons of people celebrating in large groups, which made me feel terrible about myself. Eventually, I learned that the phrase compare and despair rings particularly true with social media during the holidays and learned to put up boundaries with social media. The most important self-care tip for social media is to remember that it is everyone’s highlight and rarely anyone’s lowest point. 


2) Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries.

For some, the holidays are hard to navigate with all the family time. Put up your boundaries, whether it is exiting a conversation that makes you feel less than good (like those ridic harmful talks about diets). Allow yourself permission to make those decisions to take care of your mental health and put boundaries into place. Focus and seek out those at your gatherings who do make you feel good and fill up your cup and allow yourself to leave a gathering when you feel it is time. 


3) Remember to take time for yourself. 

Yes, the holidays are insanely busy, especially for all the parents out there but take time for yourself each day, even if you only have five minutes to spare. Check out these ideas for self-care with five minutes to spare


4) Take time each day to practice gratitude. 

Gratitude is a part of self-care and can help you be mindful and start your day with a cup half full when you remind yourself of what you do have in your life. Do you have a fur babe at home that gives you unconditional love? Do you have one friend that makes you laugh no matter what? A trip planned in the future you can’t wait to go on? A good binge-worthy series you can’t wait to watch this holiday season? Food to enjoy? There is always something positive that we can find no matter where we are in our lives. 


5) Be easy on yourself. 

The holidays are busy, but I think it’s also a great time to try to be easy on yourself and slow down. Don’t put extra pressure on yourself just because the year is coming to an end. The holidays are what you want them to be, and that can be a time to stop and spread love and show yourself some love. You don’t need to accomplish something large to celebrate this time of year. Go easy on yourself. Take a bubble bath just because, throw on your favorite face mask and spend a night watching all the holiday movies.