Pregnancy Cravings So Far: Gluten-Free Simple Snacks and Must-Haves

October 21, 2022

Pregnancy cravings can hit hard in early pregnancy. Luckily, I have a few grocery staples to keep around that will calm those pregnancy cravings!


Even though I’m still fairly early in my pregnancy, I have been experiencing such particular food cravings and, more strongly – food aversions! When those pregnancy hormones spiked dramatically during week seven, the sight of chocolate made me sick, which is SO strange for a chocolate-lover like myself. I found myself wanting cold salads, salsa, and sandwiches and, if anything, more on the salty side than on the sweet, which again is very strange for my usual sweet tooth self. 

I’ve found that having simple snacks on hand has become an absolute life-saver for those days when I’m feeling too nauseous or fatigued to make a proper meal. This was especially true in my first trimester when I slept almost twelve hours a night and barely made it up the stairs to bed at 9 pm!

So if you’re having pregnancy cravings and looking for some snack inspo, here are a few snacks and meals that have helped me through my early pregnancy! 


Almond Butter and Jelly: Almond Butter is such a great staple to have around the house, especially when you’re pregnant. Sometimes I’ll just grab a spoon and eat a scoop of Justin’s cinnamon-flavored almond butter out of the tub for some quick protein if I’m feeling lazy, accompanied with blueberry jam (this is seriously the best jam, no matter my mood or condition of my stomach). It’s definitely best enjoyed on a warmed-up piece of gluten-free bread! Again when I’m especially lazy or hangry AF and can’t wait to eat until the bread is toasted, a half scoop of almond butter followed by a half scoop of jam does the trick! 


Gluten-Free Crackers: When I tell you that gluten-free crackers have been the ultimate morning sickness life-saver, I’m not joking. Especially in that week seven, where literally everything makes you want to barf, these were a savor! The Simple Mills gluten-free crackers helped me through the hardest of weeks! When I needed something light and easy to snack on in the car, I turned to the mess-free Made Good crackers, especially the sea salt ones, which helped me get by.  


Salsa: I have been craving salsa with most anything! I love a gluten-free chip to scoop up some mild to moderate chunky Tostitos salsa. I also love my kid snacks, such as Dr. Praeger’s spinach bites, that I can dip in with this salsa. I don’t know if the whole myth of salty = boy is true, but in my case, it has proven to be!


Eggs: Need protein and have minimal time? Eggs are where it’s at! Plus, as someone who tries to be pescatarian and is gluten-free, these are a great source of protein on the go! Pro Tip: If you get really hangry like I do, you can meal prep or purchase a bag of ready-to-eat hard boiled eggs to have in the fridge! 


Mixed Greens Salad With Avocado: We all need greens, although I would be careful not to overdo it quite like I did when dealing with a temperamental digestive system. But throwing together a mixed greens salad takes very little time. Make sure to get fats in there and some protein to keep you fuller for longer, even if it’s just a quick snack. I have been craving cold salads since week seven and avocado on anything has been helping me get by! I love a sliced-up apple, almonds and cranberries to add to a mixed green salad with avocado and a hard-boiled egg on top. A three-ingredient vinaigrette dressing is super helpful when strapped for time or lacking the energy! All you need is olive oil, white balsamic vinegar, and mustard. Oh and a hint of salt and pepper if you want some extra taste.  


Ginger Anything: Ginger is like a miracle food when you’re pregnant, and it can be enjoyed in so many different forms! I’ve personally been loving Gin-Gins candy, especially when it comes to combating nausea and stomach relief, plus they taste so good! 


Oatmeal: Oatmeal is one of the best snacking go-to’s on my list, and there are so many ways to make it more interesting. I like to add a handful of fresh blueberries to mine, along with plenty of cinnamon which helps settle my stomach (especially in the second trimester when my stomach and digestive system have been anything but normal) and then to make it sweeter, I will add a vanilla bean powder that can be useful for oatmeal and smoothies! 


Power Curls: Don’t hate before you try these power curls, especially for those who are used to gluten-free snacks! These are not too tasteful which is great for unsettled stomachs and they have lots of protein per serving.


Bobo’s Oat Bites: Cramped for time in the morning? Bring a few Bobos with you for some oat-based chocolate chip bites! I pretty much have these each morning and can’t go a day without some sort of Bobo’s gluten-free snacks! 


Fresh Fruit: I’m normally someone who loves fruit, but since becoming pregnant, I feel like fruit somehow tastes even better than usual! I’ve noticed that I have been hardcore craving fruit, but mostly more hydrating fruits like watermelon and pineapple. Fruit helps fuel my body and of course, has lots of benefits. During my first trimester, it was hard to drink water for some reason and it just grossed me out. This made me turn towards watermelon a lot to get a surge of hydration that my body desperately needed in a less harsh way! 


Hopefully, these snacks will help calm your pregnancy cravings, as they did for me and especially for all those gluten intolerant mamas out there who find it especially tough during this time to keep your stomach feeling calm! Do you have any simple pregnancy snacks or must-haves I didn’t mention? Drop a comment and help other pregnant moms out!


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