Having a date for New Years can make the holiday that much more fun! It gives you someone special to celebrate with and to cuddle up with to enjoy the countdown and celebration. And of course, you have that guaranteed New Year’s Eve kiss (among many other fun potential ideas, but we won’t go into that for this blog)! And while having a date can be lots of fun, there is a big difference between finding a great guy who will be a lot of fun, and finding a random guy off of a dating app just for the sake of ensuring that you have a New Year’s kiss.
Now before we go too much further and feel ourselves getting resentful of all of y’all with dates (jk we love to see the love all around), we will say that there are so many fun ways to celebrate the holiday regardless of relationship status as there are so many ways to celebrate the holiday whether it is going out for New years eve or staying in for New years eve. But what we will say is that for those who are coupled up or have a special date- there can be that added pressure to put together some romantic ideas and to have a plan for the evening instead of figuring it out as you go for us singles. So with that being said- we thought of some of the cute but simple way for couples to celebrate the new year and to not feel overwhelmed by the millions of new years eve ig posts advertisements urging you to go big with tickets to a nightclub or some fancy restaurant. If you are looking to keep things simple but fun and romantic – consider one of these five date ideas for ringing in the new year!
Five New Years Eve Ideas For Couples
- Make a 5 course gourmet dinner together. Even if you are not a chef, this is a fun interactive date that allows for lots of chatting and laughs. Check out Shut Up! And Cook’s 5 Course New Years Meal for inspiration. You can go shopping together, create a festive table arrangement with candles and your best dinnerware and wine glasses and have a romantic candlelit new years eve dinner to celebrate the holiday!
- Dress up in your favorite holiday outfit (for some cute but also easy to re-create ideas check out our holiday outfit ideas) and have drinks at a local hotel. There is just something cool about being among people who don’t live in town that makes hanging out in a hotel bar a fun experience. From there you can head somewhere to grab food and head home for a relaxing evening or continue with the fun and find bars that aren’t requiring tickets to get in!
- Make breakfast for dinner! Or breakfast at midnight! Make it a PJ evening with movies and games and then cook up your eggs, bacon, and cinnamon buns for your New Year’s meal.
- Go to a comedy show! Laughter is endearing and it breaks down barriers and gives you something to do for the whole evening, so it’s a great New Year’s Eve date! We don’t mean purchase tickets for one of the most famous comedians (although that would be amazing), check out local small stand up open mic nights that may be happening or even schedule performances at smaller venues that will have a smaller more intimate feel to your romantic new years eve date. This is perfect for those in New York city as there are SOOOO many comedy clubs and you can always find delish food to go or bring back with y’all to enjoy the rest of your night in!
- Have a game night. It can be just the 2 of you, or y’all can invite friends (doesn’t need to be just couples too – the more the merrier for a game night) to join in on the fun! This way you can get in laughs, have a different type of form of entertainment, have the option to drink at home or a more sober night if thats what you want but either way you will have lots of fun and better yet- get to wake up the day feeling more refreshed than a crazy night out!