Welcome to Just Living’s brand new blog section that will provide quality entertainment suggestions for your next date with your couch! Take one good look at our stories and you will see that we have seen, reviewed, suggested a wide array of content, aka have spent plenty of quarantine time binge watching all that there is, to the point that we feel together we’ve finished Netflix. Suffice to say, we feel that we have the knowledge, couch experience, and time to back up our self-proclaimed titles of being tv critics to start this blog section! So look out for more to come on a monthly basis giving you the best of the best when it comes to genres, recent releases, and #TBT’s! Hopefully you enjoy this section and as always, please send any guidance on more content you’d like to be reviewed or anything else that would allow your entertainment experience to be better!

Not only have mysteries been a genre we both mutually found ourselves agreeing upon when it came to rec’s for 2020, but both of us have found mysteries to be (oddly) therapeutic throughout the year. To watch chaos unfold from an unattached viewers stand point and watch it be pieced back together, or solved at the very least, was somewhat helpful as it both allowed us the chance to escape into another reality all while feeling in control and knowing we would receive some form of closure. Whatever this gravitation says about us, we aren’t totally certain, but we know that it felt natural and helpful (at times) to watch series that elicit reactions in each of its protagonists as the beginning of 2020 did for us. So for those of you who maybe missed out on this genre, or didn’t need more mystery and chaos throughout the past year, but are looking to now dive into this genre- we present you with the best of the best tv mysteries of 2020.
- The Undoing- Number one on the charts because this was a phenomenal show. The only complaint we had while watching this series, was being left on a weekly basis with a huge cliffhanger. So for those of you who haven’t seen this series yet, consider yourself very lucky that you get to watch the entire series at once, and trust us, you will need to schedule in a full day date with your couch to watch this murder mystery unfold. We would love to go further into discussion on this show but we don’t want to spoil any bit of this show for you. This is truly a show where I feel jealous of y’all who are just about the watch this series unravel, you have no idea what you are in for. Where to Watch: Netflix
- The Stranger- This one is SoOooOoo good! You will likely watch the first episode and be filled with a million question marks, but thats what the best mysteries do, right?! I can’t get into too much detail with this as it’s truly best to go into this show with little to no knowledge, allowing you to be totally captivated with confusion and desire and a propensity to solve this one. This is definitely one that you will need your thinking cap on but its likely that the amount of question marks going off in your head will easily sustain your interest and allow for enough brain power to focus from beginning to end to solve (or vicariously solve it) this mystery. Where to Watch: Netflix
- Defending Jacob- If you have just finished The Undoing and would like another show that leaves you in a perpetual state of shock, questioning your reality, or rather the reality/ integrity of these characters, then we present you with this well done murder mystery series starring (one of our favs) Chris Evans. This is one that will be great to watch at once as it sometimes left viewers feeling like they needed more, but since its entire series has been aired, you can surely count on this one to give you that mystery fix you are craving post Undoing. Where to Watch: Apple TV
- The Flight Attendant- This is perfect for those who are less tolerant of scary elements that so often accompany murder mystery series. This show presents you with a murder mystery series, whose main protagonist is her own worst enemy. By this we don’t mean that the protagonist has psychotic behaviors or that she will scare you, we mean that the character is by far the very definition of a hot mess. She consistently goes above and beyond to self destruct. Now imagine waking up to find her one night stand in bed next to her, murdered, with no memory of how that occurred. This series has lots of sub genres, which will appease a large group of different tastes, as this series checks off mystery with friendship, light comedy, slight romance and UTTER chaos. Where to Watch: HBO Max
- The Wilds– This is a show that I stumbled upon in a state of desperation to find something of interest to entertain me. After reading the caption, I was hesitant to watch as the plot sounded a little too far fetched for my liking, although one could argue that being the case for most fictional mysteries. Fortunately in this case, desperation led to the right place with this selection being entertainment for a weekend binge. Now this isn’t a mystery series that in the long run will still be a top suggestion, but in 2020 there is a need to to be more open to content, which allotted this one a slot on the list. Give this one three episodes to get used to the far fetched aspects and then you will find yourself quickly invested in this show’s character development. With each episode focusing on a specific character, this series allows you to become either more understanding of each character’s (at times extreme) behavior or at the very least it is entertaining from a psychological perspective. If you would like mystery meets fictional “Survivor” with an all-female cast, then this one is for you! Where to Watch: Amazon Prime