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Affordable Tall Girl Cardigans From Amazon

maddieshieldsTall Fashion|2022-08-02T15:02:20-04:00July 29, 2022|

Are you searching for cardigans for tall girls that fit right and don’t break the bank? Check out these five affordable cardigans off Amazon.   Despite having a rather short torso, as a 6’2.5 girl, my torso is still a lot longer than the average girl's torso, which means finding

Tall Girls to Follow on IG

maddieshieldsSelfcare|2022-06-06T18:09:44-04:00May 16, 2022|

Are you struggling with body issues or just need some inspiration? Check out these tall girls I follow on Instagram for the best tall girl advice and inspo. Being a tall girl can sometimes feel isolating, especially when you tower over your friends and family. If you struggle with social